Among recreational cannabis users and those undergoing medical cannabis therapy, more and more people are (rightly) asking: 'But if I take cannabis, can I donate blood?' The answer is yes, but let's see why.
Cannabis and blood donation: can it be done?
You must be between 18 and 65 years old, weigh at least 50 kg, have normal blood pressure and be free of chronic diseases. These are just a few of the requirements needed to donate blood: a practice of extreme altruism that benefits both donor and recipient.
Because if a blood donation can save lives after an accident or during surgery, it is also good for the donor for several reasons, including:
- it activates the metabolism, a single donation in fact can burn up to 650 calories, as the body has to 'work' to replace it
- the donor undergoes regular checks to monitor his or her state of health, thus providing a kind of free prevention
- more aware and controlled, donors are more incentivised to adopt a healthy lifestyle
- prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduce the possibility of developing type II diabetes
But back to our question: 'Can I donate blood if I take cannabis?' As anticipated, the answer is yes, and the reason is quite simple.
Cannabis is taken by different routes than intramuscular and intravenous, such as inhalation, oral or topical, so there is no problem.
However, using common sense is imperative in these situations. Because if you are following a treatment plan that involves the use of THC, you should in any case consult your doctor first. The same caution should also characterise people who take alcohol.
However, the transfusion doctor will always have the final say as to whether or not the transfusion is carried out.